To serve our members in support of their in-bound community investment in rural digital infrastructure by ensuring safe and reliable sources of clean power.
Rural America is rich in renewable resources, but limited in rural infrastructure to fully develop its untapped wealth. When developed, energy flows outbound at the speed of light to population centers, leaving local communities underdeveloped, especially in digital industries. Digital Divide Power Cooperative is developing local power, for local use to create local jobs and taxes.

The Co-op identified its target power customer base that is power hungry and fast growing – datacenters. The Co-op has signed agreements for 200MW of rural datacenters development thus far. We intend to facilitate in-bound investment into digital infrastructure. We create a commercial customer that invests in the community. Electricity is consumed locally and data – rather than just power – is the rural outbound export.
In 1936 just 7% of rural America had access to electricity. Congress passed the Rural Electrification Act. The Act was an economic catalyst that helped create the most productive agricultural machine in the world. The progeny of the Act continued public investment, including authorization of the Rural Utility Service agency of the USDA in 1954. Congress recognizes rural digital infrastructure requires the same stimulus unleashed last century. The Co-op sees its role at the intersection of this public-sector investment in rural electricity and rural divide.

Our members are power users that provide electricity to datacenter tenants at their rural property. We source and remarket the most cost-efficient power needed by our members to fulfill obligations to their commercial customers. Coop membership arises as part of property ownership through the Owners Association. By pooling with all other owners’ members benefit from shared resources, lower cost, improved access to low-cost capital, and access to evolving green technologies. The Coop achieves scale and innovation in bringing capital investment into powering rural digital infrastructure.
The Coop is organized in Washington DC to serve as a national body for members and for its affiliated in-state cooperatives across rural America. Public policy is the key determinant in successful rural economic development. Tax policy and infrastructure investment lead by Washington is the tailwind behind our Mission.